Weldon Elementary Global Academy Home

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Weldon City Schools Building Excellence

Weldon City Schools Middle High School construction site is moving along smoothly. Today was an opportunity to see the great things that are going on as we move closer to that day when our students will have the pleasure of walking down the hallways of their new school. This school will provide not only advancements for our students but a sense of pride as they recognize they deserve the best. We are looking forward to the completion of this wonderful project and the growth and expansion of this great city. Well-Done

2025-2026 Academic Calendar

We are in the process of finalizing the 2025-2026 Academic Calendar, and we would love your input. Please review the two proposed calendar options and let us know which one you prefer by checking the box beside either Draft 1 or Draft 2 under the calendar that you like best. Your feedback is important to us. Please submit your choice no later than March 19, 2025.